18. Historical visit to Nuremberg (Nürnberg)

Nürnberg (Nuremberg) War Crimes Trails © National Archives, College Park, MD, USA

For this tour we will make an early start getting on our way to Nuremberg (Nürnberg).
We will visit the historical city of Nürnberg where Hitler's Reichsparteitag and the Nürnberg Trials took place. You many make a visit to the Documentation Center and Nazi Rally Grounds or the famous Court Room Nr. 600 where the Nürnberg (Nuremberg) War Crime Trials were held. Here in Nürnberg you will personally witness one of Hitler's architectural dreams.

Lunch during a walk through the old city shopping area and when time permits; a visit to the Nürnberg Zoo being a few of the many options on this tour.

Visitor's of Nurenburg will be delighted to know that Court Room 600 will once again be open to the public view as of Nov 22, 2010.